Distrikt 2420| Post Disaster Status Report
Now close your eyes and Imagine!
After a peaceful Sunday you have spent with your family, you check tomorrow’s agenda, kiss your kids, and go to bed before another regular Monday. Just hours before your alarm clock rings, in the deepest moment of your sleep, the earth trembles with fury. The walls, the ceiling, the windows are all tearing apart and collapsing on you and your family. Screams, sirens, and a cloud of dust… If you were lucky enough, you are just one of the survivors of the fierce earthquake of magnitude 7.7 effecting around 13.3 million Turkish citizens and 1.3 million Syrian refugees adding up to over 14 million people spread across 10 major cities in the South-East region of Turkey. After spending a couple of hours in the freezing cold outside, as the sun barely dashes through the dust in the first lights of the morning, you figure out that your apartment is heavily damaged, your car is crashed under the collapsed neighboring block, your street no more exists, nor your office, neither your supermarket you used to shop every day. As you are trying to figure out how to get through this, another earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hits hard and you see your damaged apartment collapsing right before your eyes with the rest of the barely standing ones in the neighborhood.
Dear fellow Rotarians around the globe; this is what had happened on 6th of February in Turkey. The official reports suggest +30.000 casualties and the figures just keep increasing. The life will never be the same again for millions of people. Not only people lost everything they had during this disaster, but also access to the primary supply to food, shelter, and healthcare services under the demolished cities. Even at this very moment, thousands of international and national aid services are trying to save lives, yet the major disaster hasn’t yet arrived.
In the least favorable weather conditions, with the demolished infrastructure, shelters, and absence of every necessary primary care function in this region, millions are needing our help more than ever. This is the moment for “People of Action”. This is a call for the Rotarians. Ease the pain, secure lives, and help millions of people to recover from this agony.
With this Global Rotary initiative, UR District 2420 will serve to deliver a Mobile Multi-Clinic Hospital (MMCH) to the heart of the disaster region. With your generous support, we will be enabling sustainable healthcare service to millions of people. MMCH will endure its operations till the stationary hospitals emerge in the region. We believe, playing our part in this humanitarian activity will certainly provide help and encourage people to start imagining and re-shaping their future.
Your generous donations are awaited with great urgency to help millions of people to give them a chance to heal their wounds and pain. Let us Imagine and Re-build their future together.
Suat Baysan
District Governor 2022-2023
Rotary International District 2420
contact information : +905336660222 – suatbaysan75@gmail.com

Accounts for Donations:
Explanation: “Support for D2420”
EURO IBAN: TR 67 0006 4000 0021 0801 6011 72
USD IBAN: TR49 0006 4000 0021 0801 4422 22
TRY IBAN:TR 14 0006 4000 0011 0800 8017 84
Swift code: ISBKTRIS
Bank Name: Turkiye Is Bankasi AS
Branch Name: Gayrettepe
Branch Code: 1080